Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life or Death?

I have been following the war on abortion for almost 3 years now and the case against Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell has motivated me to be even more interested in the war. A few hours ago, I came across a clip from the talk show "The View" where the women were talking about abortion and what they said disturbed me a lot.Whoopi Goldberg stated that unwanted kids end up getting abused by their parents. Another one of the hosts said that the government shouldn't be allowed to tell women what to do with their bodies, a argument said by many Pro-Choice believers, and women who see ultrasounds do not change their minds about getting the abortion. These statements are not true. 75% of women chooses not to continue with the abortion after seeing the ultrasound. After seeing the tiniest thing as a hand, a women will choose to save the life of her baby. To reply to Goldberg's comment, all children who "unwanted" do not end up abused. Nick Cannon's mother wanted to abort him, but she chose differently while in the abortion room. Was he abused as a child? Most women who chooses to have abortions are uneducated about the process of life and the effects of abortion (mental health, infertility, infection, cancer, and even death). If one should argue about the health of their body, then they must think, "what would cause their body the most damage, producing a life or getting cancer?". The government's job is to protect lives and that is what it is trying to do when telling women not to have a abortion. Abortion ends the life of a child. The government is protecting human life just as it protects the lives of animals. Have we come to the time when the life of an animal is more valuable than the life of a human?Many abortions are done between weeks 21 and 24 (second trimester) and by this time, the baby already has a beating heart, ears, eyelids, mouth and nose. If that isn't life, then what is?

"The View":

Baby development:

Case against Kermit Gosnell:

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